Inovasi Adaptif Pembelajaran Sekolah Arsitektur dalam Tatanan Baru


  • Shanty Silitonga Program Studi Arsitektur, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Katolik Santo Thomas, Medan



innovation, adaptive, new normal


Title: Adaptive Innovation of Architecture Learning in New Normal


The current conditions of the Covid-19 pandemic have brought many changes in the order of our society, including changes in the learning system. The lecturer is expected to adjust learning, starting from the process, curriculum, and even the output. Architecture Study Program in Santo Thomas Catholic University was established approximately thirty-six years ago. Over the last few years, the study program's condition has decreased from several aspects, including a drastic decrease in the number of students. The Covid-19 pandemic condition has made things worse, and adaptive innovations are needed that can be applied in this new normal situation. There are many obstacles during this pandemic. In this new condition, the creativity of lecturers is demanded even more. Variations in media, teaching methods, and teaching materials are aligned with the characteristics of students who are 'z' generations. One of the innovations that are being carried out is curriculum relaxation, in which some courses revise the output of lectures into simpler objects but still fulfill basic competencies.


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How to Cite

Silitonga, S. (2021). Inovasi Adaptif Pembelajaran Sekolah Arsitektur dalam Tatanan Baru. SMART: Seminar on Architecture Research and Technology, 5(1), 41–49.