Pembelajaran Merdeka Pendidikan Arsitektur
innovation, independent learning, architectural educationAbstract
Title: Freedom of Learning in Architecture Education
The Covid-19 pandemic has led to various efforts, namely, an appeal for all activities in all sectors, from the economy, education, entertainment, and others to be restricted, especially in the education sector to reduce the transmission of Covid-19. All educational activities, academic activities that are usually carried out on campus, namely face to face, must be done and done from home. All academic elements, especially education at the campus level, not only students, lecturers, and education personnel must also carry out activities from home to prevent and reduce the Covid-19 outbreak. Policies by looking at the pandemic phenomenon that has resulted in forcing the education sector to change work patterns and the teaching and learning process must make breakthroughs or innovations that were initially conventional. Using a breakthrough which is an independent effort to keep it going according to the tri dharma of education in learning, especially in the field of architecture. This article was conducted with a descriptive exploratory research method to explain the phenomenon of independent learning architecture education.
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