Merdeka Belajar pada Perubahan Bentuk STARS YKPN Yogyakarta di Era Pandemi Covid-19


  • Yunanta Arief Rusmana Program Studi D3 Gambar Arsitektur, Sekolah Tinggi Arsitektur YKPN Yogyakarta



independent learning, change, shape, pandemic


Title: Merdeka Belajar on the Changes in the Form of STARS YKPN Yogyakarta in the Covid 19 Pandemic Era


Currently in all fields in the world have entered the era of revolution 4.0, with the advancement of science and technology and information technology in particular, universities are required to welcome and prepare themselves to face it. The current adjustment of the "Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka" curriculum has resulted from reviews for the curriculum, especially for the higher level of education in architecture. At the same time as the Covid 19 pandemic that hit Indonesia and affected all fields, including the world of education, especially the Sekolah Tinggi Arsitektur (STARS) YKPN Yogyakarta. STARS YKPN which is a change in the form of the Akademi Teknik (AT) YKPN, in carrying out its role as an educational institution cannot be separated from this situation. In addition to this, the existence of the Architects Law, and many new policies and regulations from the Ministry of Education and Culture, require institutions to change shape. AT YKPN which initially only had a 3 years Diploma Architectural Drawing Study Program, after the change of form to STARS YKPN, currently has 2 study programs, namely 3 years Diploma Architectural Drawing and Bachelor of Architecture. With these changes, it is necessary to change the curriculum and learning methods, both in the 3 years Diploma Architectural Drawing Study Program and the Bachelor of Architecture Study Program. This article aims to provide an overview of how various changes occur, especially the curriculum and learning methods.


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How to Cite

Rusmana, Y. A. (2021). Merdeka Belajar pada Perubahan Bentuk STARS YKPN Yogyakarta di Era Pandemi Covid-19. SMART: Seminar on Architecture Research and Technology, 5(1), 111–120.