Peningkatan Kualitas Ruang dengan Intervensi Instalasi dari Material Barang Bekas di Hunian Mahasiswa Arsitektur dalam Mata Kuliah Studio Perancangan Dasar 02 Universitas Kristen Duta Wacana
room quality, space intervention, space installationAbstract
Title: Improving Quality of Space with Intervention of The Installation of Used Materials in Architecture Student’s Residence, in Basic Design Studio 02 Duta Wacana Christian University
This research talks about the basic application of architectural design science with limited materials (response to the COVID-19 pandemic disaster). In this case, students are trained to see opportunities (looking for, identifying, processing, and using) used goods as design materials that can increase architectural usability. The Basic Design Studio (SPD) course builds basic skills of traditional craftsmanship, taste sensitivity, and insightful conceptual ideas. The estuary of the SPD course is to create a space installation to intervene in public spaces (physically) in people's lives with the special purpose of giving positive injections or stimulants to negative (dead) spaces so that they have attractiveness and at the same time can have a positive impact on the environment and society. The method of this research is deductive-qualitative, bringing the theory to see the case of how the intervention of negative space (dead) by SPD 02 students with the spatial installation design of used materials has an impact on people's lives. The output of this study is a standard room installation design from used materials that can improve the quality of negative space (dead) into positive space (living) in the residential and living environment around SPD 02 students, which does not rule out the possibility of being applied to a more spacious area. large.
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