Upaya Kampung Beting untuk Mencapai Ketangguhan terhadap Bencana Alam dan Sosial Berbasis Sistem Kekerabatan dan Gender
gender, disaster resilience neighbourhood, Kampung Beting, kindship systemAbstract
Title: The Efforts of Kampung Beting to Achieve Resilience to Natural and Social Disaster Based on Kinship System and Gender
Kampung Beting in Pontianak, West Kalimantan, is an informal settlement area formed spontaneously in a community. This village has existed since establishing the Kadriyah Palace of the Pontianak Sultanate in 1771. Over time, Kampung Beting has changed from being used as a trading center to an informal settlement inhabited by migrants. Various problems accompany this development, including environmental sanitation problems that trigger natural disasters such as floods and social problems, especially crime in the settlement environment. This research aims to find out the resilience strategy of the Kampung Beting community in realizing a resilient environment against natural and social disasters based on the kinship system and gender. The research uses a descriptive qualitative method with content analysis, which discusses data using relevant theories to the research objectives. Data were obtained through field observations and interviews with the Kadriyah Palace tourism manager and the Kapuas River tourism cafe manager. The respondents were selected based on their knowledge of Kampung Beting and the tourist café business. The results showed that the resilience of Kampung Beting in facing natural and social disasters was carried out through community adaptation to the environmental conditions of flood-prone homes due to poor sanitation and social inequality due to the increasing poverty rate.
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