Adaptasi Nuansa Lokal pada Proses Perancangan Bangunan Komersial di Bali
Studi Kasus: Padhi Coffee Kintamani dan Benoa Beach Club
local Balinese architecture, commercial buildings, building appearanceAbstract
Title: The Adaptation of Local Architecture in the Commercial Building Design Process in Bali
The local Balinese architecture is still being developed and maintained simultaneously in Bali, incorporating elements of history and space. Over time, modernization has impacted the existence of local Balinese architecture in its manifestation. The local government responded to the act of preserving culture by establishing a Bali Regional Regulation, which regulates the design of architectural buildings with local Balinese nuances. The existence of this culture has become the main attraction in Bali, and it requires support from the spaces or commercial buildings. Therefore, the image of commercial buildings is regarded as a manifestation of the existence of local Balinese architectural culture. This paper focuses on the building's appearance, with two object location points as the case study to determine how to adapt local nuances to different typologies, namely Pahdi Coffee Kintamani and Benoa Beach Club, as objects that can illustrate the process of design acculturation. The research evaluated the design against existing benchmarks to obtain the adaptation process used in commercial building design. The method used was qualitative descriptive. As a result, the design of Pahdi Coffee Kintamani and Benoa Beach Club can fit with the function needed and adapt the local Balinese architecture through the appropriate process.
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