Ketangguhan Masyarakat Pasca Bencana Gempa Bumi
Studi Kasus: Ngibikan, Bantul, Yogyakarta Tahun 2006
resilience, earthquake, social, economic, Ngibikan VillageAbstract
Title: Community Resilience After Earthquake Disasters, Case Study: Ngibikan, Bantul, Yogyakarta, 2006
Community resilience in facing disasters is an essential asset for the community in its efforts to rise from the current adversity. Yogyakarta is known as one of the provinces prone to earthquake disasters. The earthquake that occurred on May 27, 2006, with a magnitude of 5.9 SR, was one of the darkest events in Yogyakarta. Ngibikan Hamlet is one of the places affected by the disaster because it is located approximately 10 km from the center of the large earthquake. This research aims to determine the level of community resilience in terms of social, economic, physical (reconstruction), contribution of government organizations, resilience index indicators, and key interpretations of community resilience in facing earthquake disasters, and as a recommendation for communities to be even more resilient in facing disasters. This research uses descriptive qualitative methods through case studies. Data collection was carried out using field surveys and interviews. The research results show that the community in Ngibikan Hamlet has adequate resilience because it can recover after a disaster using a democratic system involving all parties, starting from the community itself and the government. However, providing understanding to the community must continue to be carried out on an ongoing basis to achieve a society that is genuinely resilient to earthquake disasters that might occur again.
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