SMART: Seminar on Architecture Research and Technology 2024-04-19T08:33:24+00:00 Fakultas Arsitektur dan Desain UKDW Yogyakarta Open Journal Systems <p><strong>SMART: Seminar on Architecture and Technology (Seminar Series)<br></strong></p> <p>Merupakan rangkaian seminar (seminar series) yang rutin diadakan oleh Fakultas Arsitektur dan Desain Universitas Kristen Duta Wacana Yogyakarta.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Identifikasi Adaptasi Ruang pada Kelompok Tani Jambu Suryatmajan menggunakan Teori HBEs dan Adaptable Space 2024-02-01T11:14:29+00:00 Steffany Hartono Sita Yuliastuti Amijaya <p><strong><em>Title: Identification of Space Adaptation in Suryatmajan Guava Farmer Group using HBEs Theory and Adaptable Space</em></strong></p> <p><em>The residence, which only accommodates domestic activities, has an additional function in the business space. This requires the occupants to carry out adaptation behavior, both inside and outside the building. The Farmer Group in Gemblakan Atas Village produces processed guava at certain times. The narrow land makes them adapt their physical space to fulfill their production space needs. This research aims to identify the physical space adaptation carried out by the Jambu Farmers Group by assessing the theory of Home Based Enterprises (HBEs) and Adaptable Space. Identification is done on the adaptation of physical space in Suryatmajan Tourism Village. This research uses a qualitative descriptive method by taking three objects of study of MSME units and showing differences in adaptation phenomena. Data were collected through interviews, observations, and documentation, which were analyzed using the comparative study method. The results obtained from the analysis of the three objects of study can be identified through the Home Based Enterprises theory. While the Adaptable Space theory can only show the adaptation of the physical space of one object of study.</em></p> 2024-02-05T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Pelanggaran-Pelanggaran Teritorialitas di Gerai Mixue Urip Sumoharjo 2024-02-01T11:31:04+00:00 Maria Hesti Kusumastuti Freddy Marihot Rotua Nainggolan Irwin Panjaitan <p><strong><em>Title: </em><em>Violations of Territoriality at Mixue Urip Sumoharjo Outlet</em></strong></p> <p><em>The food and beverage industry in Indonesia is growing rapidly. One of them is the Mixue outlet, which has mushroomed since 2020. In its development, the strategic location of the Mixue Urip Sumoharjo outlet has made this outlet relatively busy with visitors. This study aims to analyze territorial violations committed by visitors to the Mixue Urip Sumoharjo outlet in response to the narrow dimensions of the Mixue outlet space. The author made systematic observations and analyzed the spatial layout in the first stage. After that, they observed the dine-in area and divided the space into three categories: primary territory, secondary territory, and public territory. The next stage is to analyze and describe territorial violations through layout diagrams in each area. This study found that the dimensions of space influence the user's behavioral response to fulfilling personal space.</em></p> 2024-02-05T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Pengaruh Human Behavior terhadap Kontrol Batasan Teritorialitas pada Kalis Donuts 2024-02-01T11:55:57+00:00 Kezia Laurent Yauri Freddy Marihot Rotua Nainggolan Irwin Panjaitan <p><strong><em>Title: </em><em>The Impact of Human Behavior on the Control of Territoriality Boundaries at Kalis Donuts</em></strong></p> <p><em>Daily human activities can’t be separated from interactions with the environment. This interaction will later create good relations between the environment, individuals, and society. Behavioral and environmental relations occur in a social context that encourages the creation of the need for privacy for each individual. The privacy expected of each individual can be created as expected or otherwise not achieved as expected. Within the framework of this understanding, the concepts of personal space, density and crowding, and territory are expressions of the relationship between behavior and the environment. On this occasion, I researched the behavioral patterns of visitors to Kalis Donuts, Terban, located on Jl. Chandrakirana No. 23. This research was conducted by directly observing, identifying, and processing quantitative data. The results of this research will show the influence of behavioral patterns that can be formed from activities carried out by individuals/groups continuously on territorial boundaries between visitors. Behavior patterns are influenced by several aspects such as age, social, sound, time of day, activities, room specifications, furniture specifications, and level of privacy. Then, the territorial boundaries are the form of an individual or group to guard their territory area. So, in this research, we can find out the various kinds of boundaries created by visitors and the boundaries and invasions that influence these boundaries.</em></p> 2024-02-05T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Diferensial Ruang Personal di Café Haus pada Era New Normal 2024-02-01T12:05:56+00:00 Yosafat Yoakim Kurnia Freddy Marihot Rotua Nainggolan Irwin Panjaitan <p><strong><em>Title: Differentiation of Personal Space in Cafe Haus in the New Normal Era</em></strong></p> <p><em>The cafe is a new place for visitors; it was initially only used to relax and drink coffee but has increased its function to become a place for other activities, such as studying or working. The period after the COVID-19 pandemic, the New Normal era, made these changes even stronger. Society, especially college students, are used to studying or doing something in a cafe. This indicates a personal space in each cafe that makes them interested and feel comfortable using it as their personal space for learning. Therefore, this study aims to understand the various kinds of personal space in Cafe Haus!</em> <em>The research method used is visual observation techniques and re-drawing of the cafe spaces. The results of these observations show that only two areas with personal space are from the three areas observed. The two areas are Areas 1 and 2 because the elements in those areas have sufficient boundaries to the areas outside them, while in Area 3, there are no similar elements. Boundary elements make an area private so that it is not easily disturbed by outside areas<strong>.</strong></em></p> 2024-02-05T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Nongkrong sebagai Hasil dari Kontrol Privasi pada Kopi Dari Hati, Sagan 2024-02-01T12:58:50+00:00 Clara Intan Javanias Ziliwu Freddy Marihot Rotua Nainggolan Irwin Panjaitan <p><strong><em>Title: </em><em>Convenience of Hanging Out as a Result of Privacy Control on Kopi Dari Hati, Sagan</em></strong></p> <p><em>The development of the times means that coffee is no longer the only thing you look for in a café, but rather a comfortable atmosphere for hanging out so cafés have transformed into a habit or part of a lifestyle. This research aims to understand how the privacy obtained from the territory and personal space results in comfort for cafe visitors so that they can spend more time in the café. Data collection uses a qualitative method by dividing the observation area into six points representing visitor privacy controls based on the achievement of their territory and personal space. The data is then processed in the form of analysis drawings, spatial layouts, and matrices as a form of analysis that produces a pattern. The findings of the patterns will be compiled as conclusions regarding the comfort resulting from the privacy control of cafe visitors. This research found that the type of privacy most sought by visitors was intimacy, followed by solitude, seclusion, and not neighboring. This happens a lot in public sociopetal spaces.</em></p> 2024-02-05T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Pola Perilaku Pengunjung terhadap Tata Ruang di Homwok “Authentic Coffee” Sutomo sebagai Respons dari Strategi Branding 2024-02-02T03:47:48+00:00 Ananda Aprilia Wijayanti Freddy Marihot Rotua Nainggolan Irwin Panjaitan <p><strong><em>Title: Visitor Behavior Settings Towards Spatial Layout at Homwok “Authentic Coffee” Sutomo as a Response to Branding Strategy</em></strong></p> <p><em>As a student city, Yogyakarta presents business opportunities for coffee shops to create spaces supporting student and worker activities such as reunions, studying together, or doing assignments. The large business opportunities are balanced with many competitors, so coffee shop entrepreneurs must develop their businesses creatively. One strategy that can be used is through an interior arrangement that can support target market activities. Homwok “Authentic Coffee” Sutomo is a coffee shop in the city of Yogyakarta that uses a branding strategy to give visitors an impression represented in the layout of the space and furniture. The method used in this research is direct observation using behavior mapping techniques to determine the condition of the space and its influence on visitor behavior patterns. Through this research, the author found that spatial planning, including dividing zones according to visitor activities and choosing the type of furniture, can influence visitor behavior patterns. </em></p> 2024-02-05T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Kemampuan Masyarakat Beradaptasi Spasial dan Mengatasi Ancaman Bencana Alam 2024-02-02T04:31:05+00:00 Aris Nur Lestarianto Paulus Bawole Freddy Marihot Rotua Nainggolan <p><strong><em>Title: Community Ability to Adapt Spatially and Overcome the Threat of Natural Disasters; Case Study: Pacarejo Village, Gunung Kidul Regency, and Kepuharjo Village, Sleman Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta</em></strong></p> <p><em>Disasters are part of natural and non-natural phenomena that often occur in communities in certain areas. The Special Region of Yogyakarta, especially in the Gunung Kidul and Sleman Regencies, often experiences natural disasters. The focus of natural disasters as the object of research is the Pacarejo Village, Gunung Kidul Regency, and Kepuharjo Village in the Sleman Regency area. These two areas were chosen because natural disasters have struck several times, and the people are indicated to be trying hard to adapt to their environment and overcome the problems that occur. Quantitative research methods combining qualitative methods for data processing will be applied in this research. A total participatory strategy will be implemented to collect primary data directly from the community. Secondary data from government and private institutions and several theories and shared experiences with experts will be used to support the analysis. The results of this research show that Kepuharjo Subdistrict has a community capacity spatially to adapt and overcome disaster threats that is better than Pacarejo Subdistrict, with the aspects of the two regions that are most dominant in forming community resilience being the cooperation of residents along with assistance from other areas.</em></p> 2024-02-05T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Fleksibilitas Ruang Berdasarkan Fungsi dan Waktu di Pasar Ngeseng 2024-02-05T06:17:15+00:00 Ari Karuniawati Freddy Marihot Rotua Nainggolan Irwin Panjaitan <p><strong><em>Title: Flexibility of Space Based on Function and Time in Ngeseng Market</em></strong></p> <p><em>The phenomenon of changing the function of space at the Ngeseng Traditional Market from a market to a culinary area has become an attraction. This research was conducted to determine the flexibility of space based on function and time at the selected object of observation, namely Ngeseng Klaten Traditional Market. The observation method can group users and activities on the object of observation. This research mainly focuses on users, namely visitors and sellers; in some cases, sellers also get discussion points with the hypothesis that there is a change in spatial arrangement, which influences different behavioral patterns, especially those related to time and flexibility. Classification of existing flexibility based on areas of observation, considering time and function, is a differentiating point in each analysis and discussion. Through this research, we will determine what behavioral patterns appear in the market, what spaces exist, and what time of day can influence user behavior.</em></p> 2023-12-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Arsitektur Vernakular yang Mendukung Pembangunan Berkelanjutan di Kampung Adat Tamkesi Kabupaten Timor Tengah Utara 2024-02-05T07:02:43+00:00 Stephani Jecquelin Daindo Tanggela Paulus Bawole <p><strong><em>Title: Vernacular Architecture that Supports Sustainable Development in the Tamkesi Traditional Village, North Central Timor Regency</em></strong></p> <p><em>Indonesia has a wealth of diverse vernacular architecture. Still, in this era of openness to information and outside cultures, it seems the uniqueness of this architecture has become neglected and threatened with loss. Amid the external-internal influences that cause changes in the archipelago's vernacular buildings, the Atoni tribe in the Tamkesi traditional village responds otherwise. This paper examines how the indigenous Atoni people maintain the authenticity and sustainability of the Tamkesi traditional village, its architecture, and their involvement in sustainable development. This research uses descriptive qualitative research methods, while analysis techniques are carried out by coordinating data collection techniques through books, journals, articles, and an understanding of the theory of vernacular architecture and sustainable development. Based on the results of the analysis show that the Tamkesi traditional village is one of the oldest villages on the island of Timor, East Nusa Tenggara, which is still sustainable today and has developed from generation to generation based on the concept of local cultural wisdom and harmonization with nature. </em></p> 2024-02-05T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Stephani Jecquelin Daindo Tanggela, Paulus Bawole Identifikasi Urban Heat Island di Kawasan Tepian Selokan Mataram Yogyakarta 2024-02-05T07:15:53+00:00 Ringga Jalu Haksama Henry Feriadi <p><strong><em>Title: Identification of Urban Heat Island in Yogyakarta's Selokan Mataram Riverbank Area</em></strong></p> <p><em>This research aims to identify the Urban Heat Island (UHI) phenomenon in the Selokan Mataram riverbank area, which manifests traces of human life in the Anthropocene era. Selokan Mataram is ten kilometers long and has various regional characteristics formed spontaneously from several functions and typologies of areas that continue to develop. An area with low population and low-density built-up land, or rural, has a low surface temperature compared to an area with high population and high-density built-up land, or urban. This difference in air temperature is theoretically supposed to occur. Even research in several similar articles in other countries has been proven and has been a concern. In the context of the study object in Mataram Sewer, some results follow the theory and similarities to similar studies. Specifically, the difference in air temperature recorded in the early morning reached 2,35°C in the early morning and 4,55°C in the afternoon. </em></p> 2023-12-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ringga Jalu Haksama, Henry Feriadi Pengaruh Kecepatan dan Persebaran Angin terhadap Kenyamanan Termal Aktivitas Berjalan Santai di Kawasan Taman Sari 2024-02-05T08:14:00+00:00 Adindra Maharsi Kusuma Astuti Sita Yuliastuti Amijaya <p><strong><em>Title: The Impact of Wind Velocity and Distribution on Thermal Comfort during Leisurely Walking Activities in the Taman Sari Area</em></strong></p> <p><em>Urban Heat Island affects the</em> <em>thermal comfort of the microclimate of an area in the city and is a challenge for human adaptation and environmental sustainability. Taman Sari is a heritage tourism area in the center of Yogyakarta city. Wind speed is an important factor in the thermal comfort of outdoor space because the human body can directly feel the wind. This study aims to determine the effect of wind speed on thermal comfort in leisurely walking activities and determine the direction and distribution of wind in the Taman Sari area. The method used is descriptive quantitative to the results of field surveys, calculations, and simulation software Simscale. The research results are that wind speed influences thermal comfort when strolling, with the calculation that 1.3 m/s =&lt; v &lt; 3.7 m/s gives a comfortable perception in zones I and II. Meanwhile, in zone III, v =&lt; 0.7 m/s, which gives the perception of heat. Simulation results show wind direction and validation of measurement data. The graphic pattern measurement data is the same as the graphical pattern of the simulated data. However, both data differ in wind speed values at several observation points.</em></p> 2023-12-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Adindra Maharsi Kusuma Astuti, Sita Yuliastuti Amijaya Upaya Kampung Beting untuk Mencapai Ketangguhan terhadap Bencana Alam dan Sosial Berbasis Sistem Kekerabatan dan Gender 2024-02-05T08:53:31+00:00 Claudia Olla Mandayu Wiyatiningsih <p><strong><em>Title: </em><em>The Efforts of Kampung Beting to Achieve Resilience to Natural and Social Disaster Based on Kinship System and Gender</em></strong></p> <p><em>Kampung Beting in Pontianak, West Kalimantan, is an informal settlement area formed spontaneously in a community. This village has existed since establishing the Kadriyah Palace of the Pontianak Sultanate in 1771. Over time, Kampung Beting has changed from being used as a trading center to an informal settlement inhabited by migrants. Various problems accompany this development, including environmental sanitation problems that trigger natural disasters such as floods and social problems, especially crime in the settlement environment. This research aims to find out the resilience strategy of the Kampung Beting community in realizing a resilient environment against natural and social disasters based on the kinship system and gender. The research uses a descriptive qualitative method with content analysis, which discusses data using relevant theories to the research objectives. Data were obtained through field observations and interviews with the Kadriyah Palace tourism manager and the Kapuas River tourism cafe manager. The respondents were selected based on their knowledge of Kampung Beting and the tourist café business.&nbsp; The results showed that the resilience of Kampung Beting in facing natural and social disasters was carried out through community adaptation to the environmental conditions of flood-prone homes due to poor sanitation and social inequality due to the increasing poverty rate.</em></p> 2023-12-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Claudia Olla Mandayu, Wiyatiningsih Kepadatan dan Kesesakan Dipengaruhi oleh Setting dan Perilaku Pengunjung Mie Gacoan 2024-02-06T09:38:33+00:00 Helena Monica Sugiharto Tanujaya Freddy Marihot Rotua Nainggolan Irwin Panjaitan <p><strong><em>Title: Density and Crowding Influenced by the Setting and Visitor Behavior of Gacoan Noodles</em></strong></p> <p><em>Mie Gacoan is the number 1 spicy noodle restaurant in Indonesia, where Gacoan noodles are a favorite food for millennial children today. Gacoan noodles have become a market leader in various regions. This has resulted in an explosion of Gacoan visitors, especially young people. In Yogyakarta, a bustling Gacoan noodle restaurant is located on Jalan Affandi No.9, Karang Gayam, Pelemkecut, Kec. Depok, Yogyakarta City, Special Region of Yogyakarta 55222. Mie Gacoan Gejayan is one of the busiest Gacoan in Yogyakarta. This can be seen from the entire parking, queuing, waiting, and eating areas. Most of the crowds that occur in Gacoan Gejayan do not cause overcrowding (a place being complete due to the user capacity being higher than the area capacity) or crowding (a feeling of space that is not spacious, limited and uncomfortable, or even pressured) which is due to the physical setting or layout arrangement. The physical setting and the comfortable and attractive layout of the area will invite users to choose the area according to the needs, behavior, and capacity of the space or user.</em></p> 2023-12-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Adaptasi Nuansa Lokal pada Proses Perancangan Bangunan Komersial di Bali 2024-02-06T10:17:53+00:00 Jessica Caroline Gabriella Celza Leonara Yohanes Satyayoga Raniasta <p><strong><em>Title: The Adaptation of Local Architecture in the Commercial Building Design Process in Bali</em></strong></p> <p><em>The local Balinese architecture is still being developed and maintained simultaneously in Bali, incorporating elements of history and space. Over time, modernization has impacted the existence of local Balinese architecture in its manifestation. The local government responded to the act of preserving culture by establishing a Bali Regional Regulation, which regulates the design of architectural buildings with local Balinese nuances. The existence of this culture has become the main attraction in Bali, and it requires support from the spaces or commercial buildings. Therefore, the image of commercial buildings is regarded as a manifestation of the existence of local Balinese architectural culture. This paper focuses on the building's appearance, with two object location points as the case study to determine how to adapt local nuances to different typologies,</em> <em>namely Pahdi Coffee Kintamani and Benoa Beach Club, as objects that can illustrate the process of design acculturation. The research evaluated the design against existing benchmarks to obtain the adaptation process used in commercial building design. The method used was qualitative descriptive. As a result, the design of Pahdi Coffee Kintamani and Benoa Beach Club can fit with the function needed and adapt the local Balinese architecture through the appropriate process.</em></p> 2023-12-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Identifikasi Mitigasi Struktural dan Nonstruktural pada Area Reklamasi Pantai di Kota Sorong 2024-02-07T07:26:31+00:00 Dewiyanti Serofina Ngamelubun Winarna <p><strong><em>Title: Identification of Structural and Non-Structural Mitigation in the Beach Reclamation Area in Sorong City</em></strong></p> <p><em>Coastal reclamation has often occurred in several regions in Indonesia to increase land area. This was also done by the Government of Sorong City, which stockpiled 25ha of beach area. Coastal reclamation cannot avoid disasters that will occur, from socio-economic disasters to floods and tsunamis. The impact of losses from coastal reclamation is not only on environmental damage but also on loss of material and lives. Several mitigation strategies may have been implemented to minimize the impact, but it is still considered less effective and not by the standard. This research aims to identify what mitigation has and has not been carried out by related institutions. This research uses a descriptive qualitative method to describe structural and non-structural mitigation using variables based on the Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia No. 21 of 2008 concerning the Implementation of Disaster Management. This research can serve as a basis for mitigation in coastal reclamation areas. </em></p> 2023-12-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ketangguhan Masyarakat Pasca Bencana Gempa Bumi 2024-02-07T07:44:24+00:00 Christopel Harry Orlando Ate Imelda Irmawati Damanik <p><strong><em>Title: C</em></strong><strong><em>ommunity Resilience After Earthquake Disasters</em></strong><strong><em>, </em></strong><strong><em>Case Study: Ngibikan, Bantul, Yogyakarta, 2006</em></strong></p> <p><em>Community resilience in facing disasters is an essential asset for the community in its efforts to rise from the current adversity. Yogyakarta is known as one of the provinces prone to earthquake disasters. The earthquake that occurred on May 27, 2006, with a magnitude of 5.9 SR, was one of the darkest events in Yogyakarta. Ngibikan Hamlet is one of the places affected by the disaster because it is located approximately 10 km from the center of the large earthquake. This research aims to determine the level of community resilience in terms of social, economic, physical (reconstruction), contribution of government organizations, resilience index indicators, and key interpretations of community resilience in facing earthquake disasters, and as a recommendation for communities to be even more resilient in facing disasters. This research uses descriptive qualitative methods through case studies. Data collection was carried out using field surveys and interviews. The research results show that the community in Ngibikan Hamlet has adequate resilience because it can recover after a disaster using a democratic system involving all parties, starting from the community itself and the government. However, providing understanding to the community must continue to be carried out on an ongoing basis to achieve a society that is genuinely resilient to earthquake disasters that might occur again. </em></p> 2023-12-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Analisis Pencapaian Implementasi Permakultur di SMK Suwakul Ungaran Menggunakan Balanced Scorecard 2024-02-07T08:05:18+00:00 Susana Ayu Handayani Wiyatiningsih <p><strong><em>Title: Analysis of Achievement for Permaculture Implementation at Suwakul Vocational High School Ungaran Using Balanced Scorecard</em></strong></p> <p><em>The agricultural vocational school program hopes to increase human resources capable of cultivating land, managing horticultural crops, and producing agricultural products. Suwakul Ungaran Vocational School is one of the vocational schools in Semarang Regency that applies permaculture in its learning process. The permaculture principles applied at this school are capturing and storing energy, getting harvests, using and respecting resources, zero waste, and respecting diversity. Based on this background, this research focuses on learning outcomes through implementing permaculture with a sustainable agricultural system that includes the development of land processing based on natural ecosystems. The research aims to determine the ability of students at school to produce food and horticultural crops. This research applies a qualitative descriptive method to describe the results of permaculture implementation using Balanced Scorecard analysis, an evaluation strategy with four perspectives in improving an organization's goals. The research results show that learning through the implementation of permaculture at this Vocational School can improve students' abilities at school, as seen from fulfilling the perspective of the Balanced Scorecard. The study's results will be helpful for schools as a learning tool to improve students' abilities in producing agricultural products through the implementation of permaculture. </em></p> 2023-12-02T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Susana Ayu Handayani, Wiyatiningsih Proses Terjadinya Adaptasi Ruang di Rumah Tinggal yang Mengubah Fungsi Ruang Rumah Menjadi Ruang Usaha di Jogokaryan, Kota Yogyakarta 2024-03-15T11:25:51+00:00 Wahyu Desy Kristiyani Imelda Irmawati Damanik <p><strong><em>Title: The Process of Space Adaptation in Residential Houses that Change the Function of Home Space into Business Space in Jogokaryan, Yogyakarta City</em></strong></p> <p><em>Home Base Enterprises (HBE) is one of the businesses run by many Indonesians. HBE is a type of business carried out in residential homes, so adaptation is needed to meet the needs of space that changes its function as a business space. This research aims to discover the process of changing the space function because of the house owner's adaptation. The method used in this study is descriptive qualitative with simple random sampling of data collection. Of the four selected samplings, the result is that the process of forming space in HBE is based on cultural, physiological, and morphological adaptations. For the production business, the method uses an adaptation of extending space, while the trading business uses an adaptation of sharing space.</em></p> 2024-03-15T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Wahyu Desy Kristiyani, Imelda Irmawati Damanik Permukiman Megalitikum dan Budaya Kubur Batu di Kampung Nuabari, Desa Lenandareta, Kecamatan Paga, Kabupaten Sikka 2024-03-21T09:26:01+00:00 Yohanes Pieter Pedor Parera Alexius Boer <p><strong><em>Title: Megalithic Settlements and Rock Burial Culture in Nuabari Village, Lenandareta Village, Paga Sub-district, Sikka District</em></strong></p> <p><em>Technological developments have a broad impact on all elements of human life, including society's mindset and views. In the past, all activities in human life were carried out manually, but nowadays all human activities are carried out using modern technology and equipment. The impact of technological developments also reaches all residential areas of society. Modernization has become a lifestyle and part of urban society, whereas in rural areas it has only spread to certain aspects. This also happens in East Nusa Tenggara, especially in Nuabari Village, Sikka Regency, which is known as a megalithic village with a stone grave culture. The stone grave culture is a megalithic culture that is still maintained by the Lio tribe, an indigenous tribe that lives in Nuabari Village. The settlement pattern of Nuabari Village still reflects the megalithic residential layout pattern with several typical traditional houses and the placement of ceremonial courtyard areas. The influence of modernization cannot be separated from the lives of the people in Nuabari Village. The impact can be seen in the use of materials and modified forms in some of the residential buildings of the Nuabari Village community. This can raise concerns about the process of erosion of socio-cultural philosophical values which should be the attraction and cultural heritage of megaliths in the Kampung Nuabari settlement.</em></p> 2024-03-21T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Yohanes Pieter Pedor Parera, Alexius Boer Analisis Faktor Desain Lingkungan Luar terhadap Perkembangbiakan Nyamuk Aedes Aegypti di Kabupaten Sikka, Nusa Tenggara Timur 2024-04-19T08:33:24+00:00 Yoseph Thobias Pareira Yohanes Pieter Pedor Parera Cornelia Hildegardis <p><strong><em>Title: Analysis of External Environmental Design Factors on the Breeding of Aedes Aegypti Mosquitoes in Sikka Regency, East Nusa Tenggara</em></strong></p> <p><em>Environmental temperature, rainfall, waste disposal locations, sufficient sunlight, water flow, and chemical, biological, and socio-cultural environments are determining factors in developing Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) cases. Specifically, this research will analyze the influence of environmental elements on the number of dengue fever cases in Sikka Regency and then examine the physical design elements of the area that can reduce the number of dengue fever cases in Sikka Regency. The research was conducted in several locations in Sikka Regency, which were differentiated based on location and distance between buildings regarding thermal characteristics. The research results show that in areas with an altitude of more than 500 meters above sea level, there are no cases or incidents of dengue fever; this is also supported by the design of the external building environment, such as building density and building area. vegetation that can influence the light intensity in the environment. The lower the light intensity, the greater the environmental humidity, thereby accelerating the breeding rate of the Aedes Aegypti mosquito.</em></p> 2023-12-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Yoseph Thobias Pareira, Yohanes Pieter Pedor Parera, Cornelia Hildegardis