
  • Septiawan Bagus Panglipur
  • Sita Yuliastuti Amijaya


Tamansari heritage environment is one of cultural heritage area in Yogyakarta City; built by the first Sultan of Yogyakarta, which is functioned a place for resting and bathing. Tamansari is also believed as a mystical meeting place, between the Sultan Hamengku Buwono I with Nyi Roro Kidul; the ruler of the south coast. It is also believed Tamansari to have a mystical path connected directly to the south coast. Kampung Tamansari has good economic growth, related to its cultural heritage status. The residents around the complex develop the cultural heritage site as a historical tourism attraction. They do improvements in Tamansari area for being neater and cleaner, also take advantage of tourist visit by providing informal economy facilities. Many shops and souvenir stores are growing up, also many food kiosks and street vendors increase there. Kampung residents also build a community tour guide group to assist the tourists so, they can more easily get to know Tamansari area. This research will discuss, how the strategy of residents there for taking advantage of the informal economic opportunities that arise due to the object existence and status of cultural heritage area in Tamansari.


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How to Cite

Bagus Panglipur, S., & Yuliastuti Amijaya, S. (2019). DEVELOPMENT OF INFORMAL SECTOR IN TAMANSARI HERITAGE AREA YOGYAKARTA. SMART: Seminar on Architecture Research and Technology, 3, 45–52. Retrieved from