
  • Moh. Sutrisno
  • Sudaryono
  • Ahmad Sarwadi


The marketplace, alun-alun, the mosque and the palace are a forerunner sequence of an ancient city. Palopo is a city that has a worth historical heritage. As a host of festival archipelago in 2019, local government and Kedatuan Luwu did local culture preservation. This study aimed at exploring the relation meaning of the heritage building market for indigenous leaders, cultural, social actors and Palopo city government. Semiotics as the paradigm and ethnosemiotics as the method, this research could reveal the relation meaning of the heritage building and market from time to time. The results showed that the market since pre-Islamic era to Islamic era was far from the sacred city center. Besides, it has functional meaning as a place of economic exchange but the market also has a negative meaning because of trade activitiy. In the Islamic era, markets were also close with palaces and markets and became the important element of ancient city formation. Since the Dutch colonial era, the location of the market adjacent to the central government to simplify control function. The implications of this study can be a consideration of the arrangement of new buildings within the historical urban landscape area.


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How to Cite

Sutrisno, M., Sudaryono, & Sarwadi, A. (2019). SACRED SPACES: AN ETHNOSEMIOTICS STUDY ON THE ANCIENT CENTER OF PALOPO CITY. SMART: Seminar on Architecture Research and Technology, 3, 53–64. Retrieved from