Throughout history, architects have experienced many struggles in the transformation of design in various locations. In the era of the Dutch East Indies, when Indonesia was not yet independent, architects Thomas Karsten (1884–1945) and Maclaine Pont (1885–1971) studied the architecture of the region as they developed their designs. This process of transformation is also conducted by architects today. The efforts of transformation within modern society are generally challenged by the tasks assigned to architects and the skills of local workers, who may have forgotten the traditional techniques of processing natural materials. In the world of local architecture, the term ?local genius? refers to a person who has inherited skills passed down from previous generations. The challenge for the architects of today lies in how to transform local concepts and expertise into truly modern architecture. This paper examines three projects carried out by the author, as a practitioner architect. The projects are examined as case studies and are located in three different places: The first project is located on the mountain slopes of Central Java; the second project is located on top of the mountain; and the final project is located beside the river in Tabanan, Bali. This article also discusses a central theme presented by architect Hendrik Petrus Berlage (1854–1934), who suggested that a Dutch architect can only to lead to the gate, but it is the Java-born architect who must define their local architecture.
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