Privacy and territory in a dwelling are inseparable. Territory is a need of private space to mobilize and socialize. Resident provide physical boundaries clearly to distinguish their house environment from others. In fact, although most of the post-disaster houses in Nglepen, Yogyakarta initially had physical boundaries, it was difficult to distinguish between private, semi-public and public zones because of the overlapping boundaries of the surrounding environment. This study aims to determine the privacy and territory regulation on dome post-disaster settlement in Yogyakarta. Physical boundary mapping and behavioral observations are done to get a detailed picture of it. The results of this study show that the main cause of the inter-houses territory dan privacy conflict is related to the access of each house. This problem occurs in the public space is caused by a design error in which the designer does not pay attention for the need of the communal space to accomodate the resident‘ social activities. By knowing this, this study is expected to contribute to the improvement of a life quality with careful design planning, so that the residents of the house still obtain their own privacy.
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