
  • Ahda Mulyati
  • Nur Rahmanina Burhany


Settlements of the Bajo people are formed due to natural and geographical conditions that are very vulnerable to disasters. They build houses in the form of stilts, where part or all of them are above the water, using materials that are easily available in their environment, namely wood, bamboo, silar leaves, palm, and others. Initially settlements were formed by settlers because of the need for shelter and shelter. They choose shelter that can provide security with the family, so that coral islands that are close to the place that gives life are the choices. The group consisted of several families finally built a residential house around the mainland of the coral reef according to their local knowledge. In the development of settlers, there are increasing numbers, so that residential units grow and develop above the sea. The study uses a case study method with a qualitative approach, naturalistic data retrieval and inductive analysis techniques. Settlement architecture forms a one-way circular pattern surrounding the mainland of coral reefs or linear one and two-way where the road or tetean serves as access and public space is the center of orientation. Another orientation that is private is the sea so that the rooms in the back of the house face the sea. Settlement centers are mosques or mushollah as sacred and public spaces.


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Article in Proceedings :

Mulyati, Ahda, et al. (2017). Local Knowledge Based on Disaster Mitigation in the Formation of "Bajo People" Settlements in the Waters of Central Sulawesi. Proceedings of the IPLBI ScientificMeeting. Jakarta: IPLBI.

Mulyati, Ahda, et al. (2016). Local Knowledge As a Basis for Living Space-Forming of Central Sulawesi Aquatic Region. Proceedings Seminar on Vernacular Settlement Conserva- tions with The Sea, October 22nd. Makassar : Engineerinf Faculty of Hasanuddin University.

Mulyati, Ahda. et al. (2013). Local Knowledge in the Design of Vernacular Islands Settlements in Central Sulawesi. Proceedings in the Seminar on Reinterpretation of the Archipelago Architecture Identity 10 October 2013. Bali: Udayana University Denpasar.

Mulyati, Ahda, et al. (2012). Changes In The Concept of Establisment Living Spaces of Local Commu- nities of Aquatic Region in Central Sulawesi. Proceedings on Seminar International Creating Spaces for Better Life, 16-17 February 2012. Jakarta : Dept. of Architecture Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning.

Mulyati, Ahda, et al. (2011). Local Wisdom on Planning Togean Islands as Central Area Tourism in Central Sulawesi. Proceedings on Seminar International Urban and Regional Planning in The Era Global Change, July 13th 2011. Makassar : Hasanuddin University.

Mulyati, Ahda, et al. (2011). The Role of Local Culture in The Development Physical Environment of The Aquatic Settlement at Central Sulawesi. Proceedings on Seminar International Graduate Student Conference on Indonesian 8-9 November, 2011. Yogyakarta : The Graduate School Gadjah Mada University.

Mulyati, Ahda, et al. (2011). Morphological on Local Wisdom Coastal Community Settlement as a Product Vernacular Architec- ture. Proceedings on Internatio- nal Conference Local Wisdom in Global Era Enching thr Locality in Arschitecture Housing and Urban Environment. 21-22 January 2011. Yogyakarta : Duta Wacana Cristian University.

Article in Journal :

Mulyati, Ahda, et al. (2016). Karakteristik Spasial Permukim- an Vernakular Perair-an di Sulawesi Tengah. Manusia dan Lingkungan in Volume 23 No. 1 Maret 2016 p. 122-128. Yogyakarta : PSLH UGM.

Mulyati, Ahda, et al. (2011). Setting Ruang Permukiman dalam Pengembangan Ruang Bermukim di Kepulauan Togean di Sulawesi Tengah. Forum Teknik Vol. January 1, 2011 p. 1-7. Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University.

Disertation :

Mulyati, Ahda, et al. (2015), Sama di Lao dalam Arsitektur Permukim- an Suku Bajo di Sulawesi (Dissertation. Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University, Unpublished).




How to Cite

Mulyati, A., & Rahmanina Burhany, N. (2019). LOCAL WISDOM IN ARCHITECTURE OF VERNACULAR WATER SETTLEMENT OF BAJO PEOPLE IN CENTRAL SULAWESI. SMART: Seminar on Architecture Research and Technology, 3, 213–221. Retrieved from https://smartfad.ukdw.ac.id/index.php/smart/article/view/32