Case Study: Duta Wacana Christian University, Yogyakarta
microclimate, surface temperature, air remperature, humidity, air temperatureAbstract
To support the comfort of students in the campus area, a comfortable physical environment is needed. The comfort of the physical environment in question is the comfort of air temperature, lighting, noise, wind speed, air humidity, etc. This study took the Duta Wacana Christian University (UKDW) as an example of a case study, because this campus is located in the center of the city which has a high building density and does not have enough open space. This research will also only focus on the quality of microclimate based on spatial elements that affect air temperature and humidity. The method in this study is direct observation and measurement, then compared with the theory that is considered relevant. The findings obtained from the results of this study are the quality of the physical environment in the open space at UKDW has an air temperature above the standard of comfort but this is offset by the air humidity that is relatively cool.
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