The study discusses the change of use of space done by fishermen in Kejawanan Fishery Port, Cirebon. As an archipelago country, fishery becomes the primary livelihood of Indonesian community living in coastal areas. The fishery activities are supported by fishery ports that play a great role in developing economic of the fishery community. One of fishery ports in Indonesia is Kejawanan Fishery Port in Cirebon, West Java Province. The fishery port becomes the center of fisheries sector in Cirebon. At present time the number of fishermen is increasing. This has an impact on the expanding of working area of the fishermen. The problem arises when the fishermen use the dock as a place for making and repairing fishnets. As loading zone, the dock should actually be clear from other activities. Based on the problem, the study purposes to implement an architectural flexibility approach in designing fishnets repairing workshop for the fishermen. Considering the needs of space for relevant activities, the workshop is equipped with some supporting facilities, such as fish market and seminar room. The study implemented a qualitative-descriptive method by collecting primary data from field observations and interviews. The data was analyzed by Envimet software to develop site design alternatives. The analysis was supported by secondary data collected from literature and precedent studies. The result of the study shows that the implementation of architectural flexibility approach in designing workshop for repairing fishnets can be done by three concepts of flexibility, namely (1) expansion, (2) convertibility, and (3) versatility. The three concepts of flexibility enable the design of mixed-use building that can accommodate the fishermen‘ needs of fishnets repairing workshop and public needs of both economic and tourism facilities.
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